Here Come the Boosts!

1 min readSep 28, 2022


Individual Burner Phone NFTs can hold special network boosts. Let’s explore!

Burner Phones

Burner Phones are the official NFT collection by Nosana. Holding a burner phone is required to access the Nosana Mainnet and gives you access to dedicated community channels. Next to that, individual burner phones can hold special boosts. Let’s explore!

Burner Phone NFT Boosts

A boost is a special ability that you get when holding a specific burner phone. Boosts can have various levels and correspond to a visual element of your NFT.

  • Priority Queue

This boost allows nodes to skip places in the nodes queue. This means your node will be able to get jobs quicker. This may sound a bit unfair, and that’s why this boost will be rare. Wait less and earn more $NOS!

  • Discount

With the discount boost, you will pay less $NOS fees for posting a new job. This boost will be very valuable for power users that need a lot of compute. A lifetime discount to the Nosana platform. Think of it. Wow!

  • Extra Tickets

Holding this boost will give you more tickets in all future raffles that use the ticket system. Time to get lucky! 🍀

